
Table of contents

Content Outline

Our summer programme Food & Health 2023 will offer an interesting variety of material.

We shall examine the fundamentals of glycation and other non-enzymatic, post-translational protein modifications such as carbamylation, both in the human body and in food. Lectures from eminent researchers in the field will be held; a supervised project will offer a lead into research.

We shall delve into the effects of processing on both the nutritional and organoleptic qualities of food, how safe it is to eat as a result, and the overall consequences for human health from birth to adulthood. In particular, the role in the diet of Maillard reaction and similar potentially harmful neo-formed products on foetal and infant programming for adult disease will be discussed, as well as their influence on protein digestibility, low grade inflammation, oxidative stress and longevity.
There will be discussions on innovative strategies for preserving the nutritional quality of food and on how the unwanted formation of these products that occur during processing might be mitigated. A pharmaceutical approach to limit the pathological effects of Maillard reaction products will also be reviewed.

The quality of the work undertaken and your scientific potential will be assessed by an oral defence.

  • Food & Health Scientific Programme
  • 31 hScientific lectures, workshops & industrial visit
  •  6 h Scientific research project
  • 17 hCultural visits & events
  •  2 h A French Speaking World
  •  1 h Haut-de-France: A dynamic environment for researchers
  •  3 h Welcome & closing sessions


Maillard reaction, glycation, carbamylation, health, ageing, longevity, inflammation, gut flora, immunity, human nutrition, infant nutrition & health, perinatal programming, allergies, inflammatory diseases, food processing, ultra-processed food, NOVA, ozone treatment, nutritional loss & organoleptic changes during food processing, aroma, vitamins, food safety, protein digestibility, neo-formed compounds, caenorhabditis elegans.

Programme At A Glance

Please note: this programme may be subject to minor modifications.

Scientific Lectures

Minor modifications to the programme may occur.

List of lectures
  • 1 The Maillard Reaction in Food Prof. TESSIER
  • 2 Glycation in the Human Body Prof. TESSIER
  • 3 The Case of HbA1c Prof. GILLERY
  • 4 Carbamylation, Another Important Post-Translational Protein Modification Dr. JAISSON
  • 5 Food Processing Technologies: History, Benefits and Drawbacks Dr. REGNAULT
  • 6 Organoleptic Changes During Processing: Implications for the Maillard Reaction Dr. JOUQUAND
  • 7 Food Processing: Loss of Vitamins Prof. TESSIER
  • 8 Food Processing: Glycation of Proteins and Effect on Digestability Prof. TESSIER
  • 9 Metabolic Transit of Dietary Glycation Products Prof. TESSIER
  • 10 From the Discovery of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products (RAGE) to Inflammaging Prof. BOULANGER
  • 11 RAGE and its Ligands: Biological Effects Dr. FURMAN
  • 12 Early Exposure to AGEs: Perinatal Programming — Gut, Immune System, Microbiota Dr. DELAYRE-ORTHEZ & ANTON
  • 13 Maillard Reaction: the Case of Acrylamide in Food Prof. TESSIER
  • 14 Alternative Methods: The Use of Ozone in Food Processing Dr. AUSSENAC
  • 15 Caenorhabditis Elegans: General Considerations Dr. FRADIN
  • 16 Caenorhabditis Elegans: a New Model System for the Study of Glycation Dr. FRADIN
  • 17 Glycation & Cataract Prof. TESSIER
  • 18 Glycation & Allergies Dr. DELAYRE-ORTHEZ
  • 19 AGEs and Alteration of Intestinal Homeostasis Dr. ANTON
  • 20 Targeting the Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts: Looking for Anti-Inflammaging Drugs Dr. GHINET

Scientific Research Project

Designed to facilitate your admission to doctoral or postdoctoral programmes in France, the Scientific Research Project will require personal work. It will include sessions of tutorials and a last session of presentation of the results and discussion with researchers and PhD students from Lille University School of Medicine. The different topics will be selected on the first day of the programme.

The project will be conducted in three stages:

  1. Reading and reviewing scientific articles related to glycation, other post-translational modifications of proteins, nutrition and health;
  2. Preparing a scientific oral presentation with a sequence of slides;
  3. Presenting and discussing (oral defence) the summary of the reading and reviewing in front of senior scientists and other students.
You will have every opportunity to contact teachers/researchers with a view to identify a research project; assistance will be provided in maintaining contact in order to finalise the project up to enrolment in the doctoral or postdoctoral programme.


1. ALJahdali N, Gadonna-Widehem P, Delayre-Orthez C, Marier D, Garnier B, Carbonero F, Anton PM. Repeated Oral Exposure to NE-Carboxymethyllysine, a Maillard Reaction Product, Alleviates Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis in Colitic Mice. Digestive Diseases and Sciences. 2017; 62; 3370-84.
2. Baskara I, Niquet-Leridon C, Anton PM, Delayre-Orthez C. Neoformed Compounds from the Maillard Reaction in Infant Formulas: a New Risk Factor for Allergy? EMJ Allergy & Immunology. 2017; 2; 87-93.
3. Fumeron F, Bard JM, Lecerf JM. Interindividual Variability in the Cholesterol-Lowering Effect of Supplementation with Plant Sterols or Stanols. Nutrition Reviews. 2017; 75; 134-45.
4. Jouquand C, Niquet-Léridon C, Loaec G, Tessier FJ. Effect of Added Nitrogen Fertilizer on Pyrazines of Roasted Chicory. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2017; 97; 1172-7.
5. Nicolas C, Jaisson S, Gorisse L, Tessier FJ, Niquet-Léridon C, Jacolot P, Pietrement C, Gillery P. Carbamylation is a Competitor of Glycation for Protein Modification in Vivo. Diabetes & Metabolism. 2017; Diabetes Metab. 2018; 44; 160-7.
6. Gorisse L, Pietrement C, Vuiblet V, Schmelzer CEH, Köhler M, Duca L, Debelle L, Fornès P, Jaisson S, Gillery P. Protein Carbamylation is a Hallmark of Aging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 2016; 113; 1191-6.
7. Grossin N, Auger F, Niquet-Leridon C, Durieux N, Montaigne D, Schmidt AM, Susen S, Jacolot P, Beuscart JB, Tessier FJ, Boulanger E. Dietary CML-Enriched Protein Induces Functional Arterial Aging in a RAGE-Dependent Manner in Mice. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 2015; 59; 927-38.
8. Helou C, Marier D, Jacolot P, Abdennebi-Najar L, Niquet-Léridon C, Tessier FJ, Gadonna-Widehem P. Microorganisms and Maillard Reaction Products: a Review of the Literature and Recent Findings. Amino Acids. 2014; 46; 267-77.
9. Birlouez-Aragon I, Saavedra G, Tessier FJ, Galinier A, Ait-Ameur L, Lacoste F, Niamba CN, Alt N, Somoza V, Lecerf JM. A Diet Based on High-Heat-Treated Foods Promotes Risk Factors for Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Diseases. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2010; 91; 1220-6.
10. Teissier T, Quersin V, Gnemmi V, Daroux M, Howsam M, Delguste F, Lemoine C, Fradin C, Schmidt A-M, Cauffiez C, Brousseau T, Glowacki F, Tessier FJ, Boulanger E, Frimat M. Knockout of receptor for advanced glycation end?products attenuates age?related renal lesions. Aging Cell. 2018; 18; e12850.
11. Dumay E, Picart L, Regnault S, Thiebaud M. High Pressure – Low Temperature Processing of Food Protein. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins & Proteomics. 2006; 1764; 599-618.
12. Renaud S, de Lorgeril M. Wine, Alcohol, Platelets, and the French Paradox for Coronary Heart Disease. Lancet. 1992; 339; 1523-6.
NB: Minor modifications to the scientific programme may occur.

Cultural Programme


Gain a richer perspective on the Hauts-de-France region!


The Hauts-de-France region is typified by its maritime and Flemish borders, agrarian economy, ancient trade fairs tradition, former textile and mine industries steeped in the Catholic values of its captains and vivid memory of wounds inflicted by two world wars. France’s youngest region is now renowned for its competitiveness, dynamic cultural and social life, and a unique mix of Flemish cheerfulness and French elegance.

  1. OLD LILLE: Guided tour of streets, squares and monuments of the old town and its beautiful ancient architecture.
  2. CH’TI EVENING: Local cuisine in a traditional restaurant and introduction to the Ch’ti linguistic and cultural specificity.
  3. BRUGES, BELGIUM: Free time in the charming old Flemish city, also known as “the Venice of the North” thanks to its beautiful canals.
  4. Keen on discovering more sights in North-West Europe? You will have the opportunity to participate in these optional activities:
      • EXCURSION TO THE COAST: Visit of the spectacular two Northern Capes Site (Opal Coast from which one can see the British cliffs).
      • FIREWORKS: Sightseeing of the great fireworks in Lille on the French National Day (July 14th).
      • Alternatively, you are free to travel wherever you want on your own expense.

A French Speaking World

Spoken by over 300 million people worldwide, French is a beautiful and fascinating language with a rich history and culture. Through this module, you will be taken through an original exploration of the French speaking world – relevant whether you are a beginner or a fluent French speaker!