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Collaboration for a top-tier programme

The program will be hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Lille.

The coordinator of the bootcamp, Sebastien CLAUSEN (associate professor), is a paleontologist who developed special interest in geoconservation. He is the coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) ‘PANGEA – Palaeobiology, Geoheritage and Applications’ (excellence program funded by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, EACEA) which regularly welcomes students from the U.S. (who might meet the participants of the bootcamp during their stay). He is the current Vice-Dean of International Relations of the FST.

Scientific activities will be chaired by members of different research units of the university
including the ‘Ecology-Evolution-Paleontology’ UMR 8157 CNRS, ‘Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences’ UMR 8187 CNRS, and the ‘Territories, Cities, Environment & Society’ (ULR 4477). They will be joined for classes and excursions by staff members of non-academic associated partners such as the DREAL Hauts-de-France, and the Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels des Hauts-de-France.

Full welcome services, high standard facilities, linguistic and cultural activities and a vibrant intercultural hall life will be provided by the International Academy Lille Hauts-de-France with the participation of Erasmus Place and the support of the Hauts-de-France Regional Council.

The University of Lille was awarded ‘Excellence University’ by the French government in 2017. It has also obtained the ‘Bienvenue en France’ label. As such staff members developed intense international research and teaching collaboration. The FST offers 95 programs among which 21 are taught in English (including 13 double degrees with international partners), most of them at the master level, and coordinates 5 EMJMD (7 at the university level, making the University of Lille the 1st in France and the 3rd in Europe in terms of EMJMD coordination). The FST has a significant international dimension through its programs, but also through the welcomed students: about 25% of the 9,500 students are international.

The University seeks to develop international partnerships and to welcome more U.S. students. For that purpose, members of CCID’s will be welcome during their stay by staff members of International Relations offices.

These collaborations will benefit the bootcamp.

Organizers & Partners




The French Embassy in the USA — Cultural Services

The Cultural Services of the French Embassy, alongside Villa Albertine, promotes the best of French arts, literature, cinema, digital innovation, language, and higher education across the US. Based in New York City, Washington D.C., and eight other cities across the country, the Cultural Services brings artists, authors, intellectuals, and innovators to cities nationwide. It also builds partnerships between French and American artists, institutions and universities on both sides of the Atlantic. In New York, through its bookshop Albertine, it fosters French-American exchange around literature and the arts.

Community College in France

Community College in France (CCF) is a program of the Albertine Foundation and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States, supported by L’Oreal Fund for Women, and the Borchard Foundation.